New York Due Diligence Firm
Know Who You're Doing Business With; Your Reputation Depends On It

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NFC Global is a due diligence firm offering intelligence and compliance services to international and domestic clients across multiple states, including New York.
We know the Empire State is an economic powerhouse, with New York City being home to the world's two largest stock exchanges, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and NASDAQ. It's the converging point for visionaries and wealth-makers. Investors, executives and high earners beyond the capital markets have made it the headquarters for their respective organizations.
At NFC Global, we understand your needs. And we strive to maintain, if not enhance, your good reputation. We are a due diligence firm that delivers in-depth investigations and compliance reviews to ensure you're doing business with the right individuals or entities.
With our over 100 years of collective experience, we put our expertise into action with our prolific team of law enforcement and regulatory experts. When you choose us as your New York due diligence firm, you gain access to a team of research analysts who go above and beyond in providing the information you need.
It's our goal to turn raw data into meaningful information for your business. NFC will allow you to leverage our capability to identify anomalies and red flags in potential partners.
We serve an array of industries, such as Aerospace & Defense, Banking & Financial Services, Cannabis Legalization, Energy & Manufacturing, Gaming & Tribal Gaming, Government Contracts, Insurance, Legal, Private Equity & Venture Capital, Real Estate Investment and Retail & Consumer Products.
Find out today how you can get started with our thorough due diligence process and gain the trust of your clients, investors and regulators.

What Our Due Diligence Clients Are Saying ...
“We are retired FBI agents who are the owners and managing partners of a private investigative and security consulting firm. We have been a client of NFC Global for the past eight years and highly recommend their services”
Owner/Managing Partner
Security Consulting Firm
“I have used NFC Global to assist in our due diligence work for several years with great success. They have been very thorough and timely in completing our requests. NFC Global is extremely professional and their work product is exceptional.”
Managing Partner
International Investigative/Security Firm
“As a multiple-year customer, NFC’s team continues to provide exceptional customer service and detailed due diligence reports, which we utilize for all of our executive- and partner-level backgrounds. These reports have been critical in our decision-making process. The intelligence has been invaluable and their worldwide capabilities are unmatched."
Vice President
Aerospace Industry
New York Due Diligence Services
Intelligence and Analysis is our business. Whatever the unique situation requires, NFC Global can assist you.
Satisfy the requirements for your organization’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) obligations with the help of experts from NFC Global and our sister company, Spectrum Gaming Group. We provide objective, independent services by assessing AML compliance and reviewing existing internal policies and procedures. Our due diligence firm comprises former legal and regulatory leaders, certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialists (CAMS), intelligence analysts, attorneys, certified public accountants (CPAs) and more. As a strong compliance partner, we enable you to establish a framework based on the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), assess risks and enhance or deem current AML programs adequate. You can also tap us to deliver expanded due diligence services and regularly revisit AML/BSA compliance efforts.
With legalized gambling facing increasing scrutiny in the state, the country and worldwide, it’s more crucial than ever to conduct due diligence. NFC Global and Spectrum work in conjunction to perform public records research for regulators and investigations into potential owners, partners, vendors and suppliers for hotels and casinos. We have also provided due diligence investigations to hotels and casinos as well as tribal governments as they contemplate business partners, vendors, suppliers and potential owners they would like to engage. Our non-partisan consultancy specializes in the economics, regulation and policy of the industry on a local and national to global scale. Make our global due diligence New York firm your guide in navigating your risks in this ever-changing landscape.
To maintain the integrity of the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program, it is imperative for our clients to scrutinize applications. Through our New York due diligence review, you can make confident decisions regarding the candidates’ citizenship. We have highly trained research analysts who spot red flags and anomalies in provided documentation. Our team also does wealth information investigation that can span several countries and one or more family members. Entrust your due diligence NY needs to our reliable experts and filter individuals with nefarious backgrounds.
Before you promote a senior manager or hire a new board member, it is critical to dig deep into their background. As such, NY corporations need to conduct executive-level due diligence to avoid future public relations (PR) disasters. And NFC Global is here to see whether or not a candidate meets the exacting requirements of the job. Our NY due diligence services include research of personal identifiers, education verification, professional license verification, informative and adverse media research, legal filings research, asset research, criminal records search (if publicly available), regulatory and sanctions research and business/employment history. Our vetting and verification process is thorough, helping you to hire the right people and protect your reputation along the way.
When it comes to the financial industry, our strength lies in enhanced due diligence in emerging markets. We tailor our reports to the requirements of our clients including Ministries of Finance, banks, private equity firms, hedge funds, insurance, wealth management firms and many others. Two things are considered in the customization of our due diligence services: your budgetary needs and risk level. After this preliminary procedure, we assist financial service institutions with compliance requirements and help them with the process of truly knowing their customers. The information we gather is obtained in a reliable, cost-efficient manner using the industry’s best practices.
Our due diligence New York clients operating internationally tackle a different kind of challenge: rampant corruption in some target areas. We are the ones to call if you are planning to engage a partner, vendor, supplier or contractor you know little about in a country steeped in its own public records issues. For such undertakings, we bank on our trusted investigators on the ground, who can conduct research in the local language to avoid missing potential problems. Our goal is to provide you with an in-depth report that includes associations and affiliations that may be problematic for your organization. Last but not least, our NY due diligence helps you remain compliant with the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and the United Kingdom (UK) Bribery Act.
Going beyond New York due diligence, NFC Global can complete investigations in over 150 countries. The services we offer range from the most basic background checks to complex assignments involving discreet site visits and data collection based on best practices. This comprehensive due diligence is made possible by our well-established network of skilled, on-the-ground intelligence sources. Further, we provide franchise due diligence in New York, which delves into the existence and integrity of potential franchisees. We also assess the risks that come with these partnerships. Our work does not end there, we also employ third-party risk management — which involves screening third-party vendors’ ties to Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs).
We harness the power of comprehensive research and analysis to help our law firm clients. Our due diligence New York firm gathers information at the domestic and global level. This can include asset research to locate records on Real Property, Motor Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft that may be tied to an individual or company. We’re also skilled in flagging potential liabilities, such as litigation, bankruptcy filings, tax liens or large judgments. In regulated industries such as Gaming or Cannabis, we gain access to information that is already a matter of public record. We also identify challenges that these industries may face in a regulatory review process, prior to their application for a license.
Through conducting proper due diligence, we assist you in minimizing fraud and mitigating your risks, while being mindful of your budget. At NFC Global, we screen third-party vendors to ensure you’re engaging the right business partner. This proactive process enables you to weed out candidates that might drag your reputation down. And with resources on the ground in over 150 countries, no information is out of our reach. Further, we see to it that your company is compliant with regulations, such as the USA Patriot Act, FCPA, UK Bribery Act, BSA, Sarbanes-Oxley and more.
NFC Global provides M&A Due Diligence to assist our New York clients in understanding their risks prior to engaging a new partner, joint venture, or acquisition. We endeavor to understand the company's legitimacy, their regulatory history, and reputation through a comprehensive list of searches, which can be focused in New York, regionally, or internationally.
Why We’re the Best New York Due Diligence Firm
Why Choose NFC Global as Your New York Due Diligence Company
We Help You Know Your Partners, Vendors and Risks
We Serve Dozens
Of Industries
NFC has a global client base that spans a wide array of industries. But no matter where you belong, we perform the same high-quality, due diligence investigation to deliver your desired results. The industries we serve include: Aerospace & Defense, Banking & Financial Services, Cannabis Legalization, Energy & Manufacturing, Government Contracts, Healthcare & Life Sciences, Hospitality, Non-Profits Private Equity & Venture Capital, Real Estate Investment and Retail & Consumer Products. For your company’s most promising vendors, suppliers, contractors and such, we review their regulatory history and reputation.
Open Source
Locating important data on a potential partner can be challenging. But with NFC Global, you can rely on our extensive collection of databases and data aggregators. We assist our domestic and international clients with locating corporate details, available criminal information, adverse media, litigation records and others. In addition, we seek out sanctions and watch lists from worldwide public records including information provided by international courts, law enforcement agencies, international media, watchdog groups and sanction and embargo lists.
Gain the level of trust and confidence you need before engaging with an international partner. This is made possible by our NY due diligence firm, together with our global network of investigators. For example, we employ various means to gather useful information, such as discreet source inquiries, reputation inquiries and site visits. You can entrust our local investigators to consult with industry insiders, trade organizations, and various other individuals who may have insight into the reputation of your subject of interest.
NFC’s New York due diligence assistance extends to international site visits. These efforts allow us to obtain more robust information about an individual or business. They also help us verify if an address actually exists. When the law permits, we take photographs to provide alongside a detailed description of the address, neighborhood and surroundings.
Asset/Source of Wealth
We understand the challenge involved in seeking information about sources of assets or wealth. This is why our due diligence firm leverages a variety of research methods including database research, in-country human intelligence sources, local language media sweeps and industry sources. Our team is also adept at locating Real Property, Motor Vehicles, Vessels and Aircraft records that may be tied to an individual or company. We can conduct in-depth research, should the level of risk warrant it, performing a detailed net worth and source of wealth analysis assistance from a CPA courtesy of our sister company, Spectrum.
Social Media
Due Diligence
As a reputable NY due diligence firm, we explore all areas where risk exists. Through our social media investigations, we evaluate a subject’s online presence and profiles on significant platforms. We leverage these sources in determining their views and identifying associations and content that could impact our clients negatively. This due diligence report can stand alone or be added to one of our other due diligence reports to provide you with comprehensive data.

NFC Global
215-657-0800 / (888) 391-1155
200 Lakeside Drive, Suite 250 Horsham,
PA, 19044, USA