US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and UK Bribery Act
As the global marketplace continues to expand, navigating risk can be difficult and present new ethical challenges.
NFC provides Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) and UK Bribery Act related Due Diligence in problematic, emerging markets. Our clients may want to engage a partner, vendor, supplier, or contractor that they know very little about in a country that provides its own public records issues. In these instances, we engage our network of trusted, on-the-ground, and in-country investigators to pull data and manually retrieve records in areas where online capabilities are not yet available. We conduct the research in the local language to avoid missing any potential problems.
NFC zeroes in on associations and affiliations that may be problematic for companies operating internationally in regions where corruption and bribery run rampant. Our research includes not only verification of basic company data but can include in-depth research of the company’s regulatory history, litigation, sanctions, Politically Exposed Persons, research of the company’s executives, corporate affiliations, site visits, interviews, discreet industry inquiries regarding reputation, and many others. We will customize the Due Diligence package to best meet the needs of the client depending on industry and risk level, providing a report that easily identifies potential red flags and anomalies, which meets compliance and regulatory requirements for FCPA Due Diligence.